Prices of products, service, delivery and other charges displayed on this website are current at the time of issue, but are subject to change at any time. If stock is unavailable, a customer service representative will contact regarding this.
GST (Goods and Services Tax) of 10% is inclusive in all our prices. All prices stated are in Australian dollars.
Payment Methods
When you are entering your details during the online ordering process, you may select one of the following payment methods:

PayPal is a safe and easy way to pay online. The service allows you to pay in any way you prefer, including through credit cards, and bank accounts, without sharing financial information. Visit the PayPal website for more information.

Credit Card:
Visa incorporating Verified by Visa
MasterCard incorporating MasterCard SecureCode

Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode allows cardholders to shop more securely on the internet. It requires the cardholder to provide a personal password or PIN when paying for goods online with their credit card just as they would provide a PIN in a physical store. This helps minimise credit card fraud and identify the user as the cardholder. Stitchem recommends you register your credit card for the added security of Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode prior to purchasing from the online store. If you have not registered for these services, you will be prompted to do so during the payment process.
If you would like to make a purchase using another method of payment, you may call our customer service line on 02 9816 4188 for further assistance.
Credit Card Verification Process
Why may I be asked to supply further Identification?
Your transaction via the Stitchem web site and the National Australia Bank/Dialect Secure Internet Payment Gateway is 100 percent safe to use. Stitchem adheres to strict security checks to reduce the chance of credit card fraud. Although your credit card is processed through an electronic payment gateway, this process of funds is not acknowledgement of a successful transaction according to the Stitchem security policy. If you have any concerns please contact our help desk on 02 9816 4188.
What may cause my AV to fail?
You must supply the billing address & phone number that matches the credit card you have used.
Please note PO Boxes and Mobile Phone numbers are not acceptable.
Stitchem will use this information to match the credit card to the details you have supplied.
If you wish to have the goods shipped to an alternative address please supply a “ship to” address in the comments section of the order form.
Quick processing of your order
If Stitchem cannot verify your address via your local white pages we will request additional identification. This may delay the shipping of your order. To expedite the delivery of your order please be sure all information is present and correct. If there is a reason for delivery details varying from your phone directory detail please makes a note in our comments box on the shopping cart.
Note: The BPAY payment option accepts credit card and requires no address verification.
Shopping Security
Your security is a priority at We use the latest security technologies to encrypt your personal information as it travels across the internet and your credit cards are guaranteed against fraudulent charges. We’ve designed the site so that these protections are automatic; there’s nothing you need to do except shop…with confidence!

Stitchem uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL is the most widely used data encryption coding system for secure e-commerce transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology, which means your credit card numbers and other personal information, is always encrypted (scrambled) before it is sent or received over the Internet.