In the world of Tradies, there is a heap of acronyms for everything from the unimportant to the important. One of those is PPE – personal protective equipment, and another is PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking). If you are starting out in the industry, you will need to invest in workwear to various degrees, and you might want to know who foots the bill when you buy workwear clothes online.
Month: September 2021
Hard work is a common phrase in the life of a Tradie – site work, client wrangling, logistics, crew management, and the dreaded admin are only a few factors. But you also need to factor in time for socialising, family or hobbies. Unlike office workers, Tradies can’t always slip seamlessly from an office into an after-hours sundowner scenario. What could make that sundowner more feasible is the purchase of workwear jeans and a commitment to social appointments.